It's been many thousands of years that the tiny pineal (Greek for pine cone) gland has been getting the attention of Traditional Medicine practitioners, Yogis, meditators and healers...
The Equinox is the mid-point when the Sun is at the zenith over the equator. This planetary threshold calls us to pause and feel this embodied state of balance. This time of...
In the channel, Kryon is speaking about timing, specifically that Lee had missed a plane and the meeting was delayed by 6 hours. For me this series of realizations unfolded: it is almost 11.11...
Astrology teaches us that life is an ebb and flow, like a symphony that rises and falls; it can be soft and sweet or intense and blaring. The better we know the key to our life’s music, the...
I am inspired by this picture that ‘found me’ after a deeply moving experience with the Kryon channel to the Lemurian Sisterhood in Salem, MA on my birthday.
As I listened...
Since my Catholic, East Coast, ’60s upbringing, I’ve come a long way - haven't we all, thankfully? I feel like I've been through many incarnations in this life - and...
Magnetics can be a voice that calls to us- those people and places that touch us and just we know. Mt. Shasta is one of those places for me. Tomorrow I will be there and the anticipation is...
“Flowing like water” is the recommendation for getting through – and getting along with – 2016. It’s about looking at life outside of the box of what we’ve...
To move beyond limitations we need to know where they come from and how they work. Some limitations are there to protect us from making ‘the same mistake twice,’ and that can be a good...
Since my Akashic Awakening on 9/9/11, I have been receiving a melding with Mele’ha, the Lemurian Priestess life that I lived in the ancient days – the last days of Lemuria. The Akashic...
Wanting to know our roots and our heritage is as old as time. When we were tribal we lived by the sun, moon, and stars, and knew our roots. As Lemurians, we had a deep sense of...
As the Year of Illumination progresses our world is experiencing constant waves of polarity. There is more light and awareness and the big challenge of the opposite – as we know too well.