


Calendar for 2024


Samhain - All Hallows Eve

October 31 @ 5:00 PM PT

Create your own magic during this auspicious time! Gather your crystals, candles, leaves and flowers and we'll create our own magical future! 

When the veil between the worlds thins as the days grow shorter, the living and the spirit dance together. When you bring focus to your magic, the energy can enchant your life and bring in the light!

Connect with your intuition as you journey into the mysteries of your spirit. With each whisper of the wind and crackle of leaves beneath your feet, let the energies of this season guide and inspire you.

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We Are the Next Lemuria

November 11 @ 6:00 PM PT

The world is changing so fast, and we are all trying to keep our balance. You may not remember the final days of Lemuria, or maybe you do. Let's explore that time of transition as we look towards a new future of light for humanity.

In Lemuria we had every opportunity to create a new humanity, just as we do now. The Pleiadian Star Mothers taught us and put us on a course for our future. It is no coincidence that their teachings are with us now to help guide us through these times!

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Reiki the World

November 1 @ 12:00 PM PT

With the upcoming elections stirring emotions around the globe, the world is in need of healing. Join us for Reiki the World, where together we can cultivate peace, balance, and calm during this crucial time.

Live Streaming on YouTube.


Winter Solstice

December 22 @ 6:00 PM PT

In this time of sacred balance, between light and dark, what are your intentions to create your future? Let's expand our gifts by balancing the shadows and the light, with a special ceremony and sacred offerings from Mele’ha, the Star Mothers, and Earth Mother Gaia.

Let this magical time portal serve you to dance with the balance between the masculine and feminine as we swirl into the light!

Coming Soon

Missed an Event?

The wisdom, the energy, and the sheer magic are still within your reach. Join Us in Reliving the Magic!